Empowering you
to resolve
your trauma

When a person experiences traumatic events, normal processing of these events can become stuck. This can create intense emotions, flashbacks, nightmares and other symptoms of psychological distress. EMDR and PAT are among the therapies we work with to help you resolve such trauma.

What is

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a key evidence-based, psychotherapeutic therapy that has been found to be effective in treating trauma and other forms of psychological distress.


AIP Model

EMDR therapy is based on a range of psychological, physiological and neurobiological principles collectively known as the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model and involves an integrated protocol.

Past and Future

A three-pronged approach targets past events that act as experiential contributors to current experience, present situations that are triggering – emotionally, in thoughts, relationships and behaviour, and future functioning to incorporate new skills and ways of being in the world that are optimistic and not weighted down by shame or blame.

Positive Changes

Clients come to more positive conclusions about themselves, such as: “It’s not my fault”, “I am worthy”, “I am safe now”. This process goes on within the client’s experience during EMDR therapy and can provide so much relief from the legacy of unresolved trauma.


In Australia, PAT (psychedelic-assisted therapy) refers to a combination of metacognitive, process-oriented psychotherapy alongside the use of psilocybin and MDMA to treat treatment-resistant depression and PTSD. In September 2021, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) released the final report from independent experts who concluded that MDMA and psilocybin may show promise in highly selected populations when administered by professionals under clinical supervision. Since 1st July 2023, the medical use of MDMA and psilocybin has been moved from Schedule 9 (prohibited substances) to Schedule 8 (controlled medicines) of the Poisons Standard. This will enable authorised psychiatrists to prescribe these substances for treatment-resistant depression and treatment-resistant PTSD.

The FDA requires that two therapists are required during psychedelic-assisted therapy and they must have:

  • “Mental health care practitioners with a professional licence in good standing”
  • A demonstrable clinical psychotherapy or mental health counselling experience
  • A master’s level qualification

The clinical evidence to date indicates the most promising effects are where psychedelics are utilised in conjunction with specialised psychotherapy. Central to this approach is the importance of the psychological expectations of the client, the physical environment where treatment occurs and having a trust-based therapeutic clinician-patient relationship.


Specialised training is required in order to practice both EMDR and PAT. We are an accredited EMDR therapist, registered with the EMDR Association of Australia. Melanie has also been awarded her Certification in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy.

For more information, please consider these resources:


Kindred Steps is a clinical psychology practice located in Northern NSW that is dedicated to working with the imprints of your trauma on your mind, body and soul. We take a holistic approach, integrating multiple powerful, evidence-based trauma treatment therapies including EMDR, Attachment Therapy, Embodied, Process-oriented therapies and neuropsychology so that therapy is totally client-centred and optimally effective.